A lot has happened in the two months since our last update.
Rachel turned three on Friday, September 14th. She had her check-up with her pediatrician that day. Luckily, no shots this time. She's now 39.5 inches tall (90-95th percentile) and 32 lbs (70th percentile). Long and lean, as the doctor always says. We had a party that Saturday with family. As usual, we showed a birthday video with pictures from the past year and video clips. She loved seeing herself on the TV and decided to narrate the entire thing. And, of course, we had to watch it twice.
Rachel started her tumbling class today. She LOVES it! They did jumps along the wall-length trampoline and rolls and somersaults down these soft wedge things. I wish I had pictures. All of us moms go upstairs to an observation room that overlooks the gym. The class in an hour long, which works out great. The moms and babies can have a playdate while the 3 year olds work off all their energy in time for an afternoon nap.
We've recently started going to a new church. They don't have Sunday school during the service like our other church did but they do have a class for 3-5 year olds on Sunday evenings that Rachel will join. And soon Rachel should be ready for the twice weekly preschool program offered at the Early Education Center on the church campus. I think she'll love it.
Anyway, more on Lauren... She's very independent. She still likes to be picked up once in awhile but she mostly likes to play on her own or with Rachel, as long as I'm in sight. I'm thinking she might have skipped the stranger anxiety stage. Like Aunt Maggie says, she's never met a stranger. As long as I'm nearby she'll go to just about anyone. I've read that second babies tend to be more easy going. That's definitely true for Lauren.
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