Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas & Birthday

This Christmas season was especially busy this year and so it flew by fast! Rachel was old enough this year to help decorate cookies for the annual Scherman Bake-off. She didn't have the patience to do anything intricate so we ended up with lots of sprinkles instead.

Christmas came early when our packages from the Ott side of the family in Ohio came a few days early. All of us were too impatient to wait so we opened them that day. It worked out well though. This way we could emphasize to Rachel that these gifts were from her family far away rather than them getting "lost" in our other gifts on Christmas morning.

Just four days after Christmas - we're crazy - we had a double birthday party for Lauren and Audrey (my sister's daughter). Lauren was way too dainty and hardly made a mess of her cake. So I missed that photo-op.

We have more pictures from the Christmas season and Lauren's birthday party at:

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